Error 1075 Windows Service MSMQ

This is my first windows service that is written in C#. It involves message queuing (MSMQ). After finishing the service I get an error message that says “Could not start service on Local Computer. Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist of has been marked for deletion.” Here are the steps I did to resolve the issue.

1. I started the windows service. (In case you are not familliar how to create a windows service, here is a good tutorial..
Windows Service
2. But then I received this error message.
Error Message
3. I have to find out then what is causing this error message.. I opened the EventViewer.
4. Open the item and it says that there’s a non-existing service. Service
5. Install the Microsoft Message Queue. Read instructions here.
6. Start the service again.. Service should run successfully this time.

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